Right to Learn Center is rated 3 out of 5 in the category education management. Read and write reviews about Right to Learn Center. A special learning center to work with children on developing basic academic and cognitive skills to help them cope with the demands of regular classroom setting. When: - Whenever a special kind of intervention is needed - Whenever a child is ready to learn basic skills to help be at school Who: A group of dedicated professionals who believe in the Right of every child to learn. Where: In a friendly environment that is full of stimulating material to enhance the acquisition of skills. Why: Because we believe in the right of every child to learn - According to his/her abilities - Using his/her own style - Given the right strategies and tools How: - Using the most renowned programs that have proved their ability to help children develop their academic skills - Emphasizing the importance of multi-sensory approach to stimulate the brain centers and enhance learning - Emphasizing independence and fostering confidence Every human being has the Right to Learn
Naous and Saloumi bldg, Beit al Mouhandes str, Jnah district
Company size
1-10 employees